Another year has passed and you have been doing the same shit again, and again… There is a time you get tired of yourself and your bullshit. You want to call yourself out and switch up yourself but are not sure what you can do to transform yourself.

Here are 12 ways to transform yourself over the next 12 months. You don’t have to wait for January to switch up, you can start now and be ahead of the new year. First tip! read these with an open mind, yekela ukufosta thinking izinto zamangamla or they are too far from you, khipha ubulokishi and open your mind.


1. The greater the resistance and effort at the start, the more likely you will give up.

So what’s the solution?

  • Do one thing at a time
  • Start small and easy
  • Increase resistance over time

    2. People say change is scary, but change is necessary for growth.

    In fact, you should be more scared of not changing.

    Because then you’ll stay the same and never learn or improve.

    3. Have uncomfortable conversations

    There are friends and business partners who have been taking you for granted, for a poes, and taking advantage fo you. You have let them slide because they are friends, but somehow you keep losing and they keep abusing your kindness.

    •  Muster u the courage to talk and express yourself on what it is you don’t appreciate
    •  Pick a time when you are both happy, not when you are angry and frustrated to start the talk.
    • Prepare for resistance and anticipate that they will retaliate with anger and accusations, its fine. Do not take them to heart.

    4. There are 30 days in a month (give or take).

    Each month, learn & adopt a new skill, habit or practice that furthers your personal development.

    It can be anything that improves your physical, mental, emotional, physical or spiritual well-being.

    5. The skills, habits & practices recommended produce benefits promoting a combination of:

    – Sense of achievement

    – Feel good endorphins

    – Cognitive function

    – Stress reduction

    – Self-confidence

    – Mental clarity

    – Productivity

    – Discipline

    – Purpose

    – Focus

    – Drive

    And many more.

    6. You are making things easy by only learning one thing per month.

    The key is to do it every day and never break the chain.

    Turn up, especially when you don’t feel like it.

    These practices will change your life.

    7. We will start with the easiest changes and gradually progress to more challenging ones.

    You don’t need to do these exact things in this exact order.

    Mix it up to suit your needs.

    Here’s how you do it…

    8. Month 1 – Reading

    Read a book for 10 minutes every day.

    10 minutes is all I’m asking for.

    When you feel like you want to read more, then read more.

    As long as you read no less than 10 minutes every day for 30 days.

    You are guaranteed to become more knowledgeable doing this.

    9 – Strenuous Physical Activity

    Whether it’s

    – cardio such as running

    – bodyweight workouts at home

    – weight training at the gym.

    Turn up & do the workout every day, even just 15 minutes.

    People who work out are more successful.

    Test your physical limit and sculpt your body.

    10 – Wake up at 5am

    Get up early every morning for 30 days.

    The mind is most fresh in the morning, when cognitive function peaks.

    You’ll be more productive and focused in your professional work.

    Note how your output changes when waking up at 5am compared to having a lie in.

    11 – Cold Shower

    The ultimate test of physical and mental resilience.

    And what’s great is requires just 1 minute of your time.

    Hop in a cold shower every morning for 30 days.

    You will feel on top of the world after.

    The health benefits alone make this an incredible tool.

    12 – Meditate

    Sit still for 5 minutes every day.

    Zero distractions.

    This is your time to stop thinking.

    Stress disappears.

    Calmness emerges and stays with you.

    In today’s world, 

    you will never get a chance to be in complete peace & quiet unless you force it upon yourself.

    BONUS – Sexual Abstinence

    Go 30 days with no sexual pleasures.

    This is not for the faint-hearted but will transform your discipline and output.

    You cannot have discipline without sexual discipline.

    Abstaining removes mental fog and increases your focus and drive to succeed.

    About Rewo Banele

    Before we can educate the youth about business, we need to confront the challenges that are constantly destroying the youth before they even begin looking towards trying entrepreneurship. I was once a young man who needed someone to show me the potential I possessed as a young man growing up in the township. Today I am an Entrepreneur, Author and Executive Producer with a passion to educate young people in the township about their potential and challenges through entrepreneurial and substance abuse content. This is why I have dedicated part of this website to address issues of substance abuse and crime. Only after addressing these can we have hope to inspire young people into entrepreneurship.

    3 thoughts on “Tired Of Your Own Bullshit? Transform Yourself In 12 Steps

    1. Thank you grootman Banele you are a great inspiration to me I started following your content recently I must say you are a life changer
      Hope to see you in person grootman 🙏🏽

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